Romania, Bucharest Mission: Sept. 2010 - Sept. 2012

Monday, December 5, 2011

Craiova - City of Marvels

Dear loved ones,

   Good Monday! Today is December 5th, 2011. It's almost 2012. That's weird. What also is weird is that it's been a little warm here the past few days (12-18 degrees today). It's nice, I guess! Well, I have been doing well in Craiova, City of Marvels. The past week was alright. We were kinda lacking in lessons. We have only one progressing investigator, Paula, but she was too busy to meet with us the whole week. Luckily, she came to church and we set up with her there to meet this week. She's really cool, and I hope she's been able to read and pray about the BOM. She and Gina are kinda friends now, after chatting together in church. Gina was confirmed a member of the church in Sacrament meeting yesterday. It was cool. Elder Rasmussen gave her the Holy Ghost and a blessing. She was happy to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It's a pretty good gift I guess (Oh yeah mom, she told me about your chat on FB!). Church was cool. We had a couple of inactive members come! It was nice to see them and meet one of them for the first time.

   Saturday night was our branch Christmas party. It was pretty fun. We had a good number of people there (lots of our favorite english students came). We watched "Joy to the World", had some food and suc, and played a couple games: Christmas pictionary and Ninja! Bro Spooner held it earlier so he could come, because he's going home for the Holidays in a week or so. I'd say it was a success. Wednesday was Elder Veenedaal's birthday, so we went out to a place called Bulevard and got some good pizza. It was super thin crust, almost like a pizza quesadilla! We also got smoothies there that were super good. I ordered "Red Orange Magic" and when I got it, it was green! I don't know how that happened, but it was delish anyhow. Elder Rasmussen kinda felt sick that day, so he didn't eat anything. It may have been because of the curry rice and chicken we made for lunch the previous day. Mmmm...curry....While he was resting in the apartment for the evening, I was able to watch some general conference. I love Tad R. Callister's talk on the BOM. Short, blunt, and to-the-point. The Book of Mormon is the Word of God, exactly as it professes to be. It is a 2nd witness of Christ's divinity. It is a completely true book. It helps us understand what the Bible does not explain clearly. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so he's still talking to us today. If you want to find proof of that, read the BOM. If you want to really understand what Christ did for you and come to know Him more than you ever could otherwise, read the BOM. I know these things for myself. It's a pretty cool book.

   Anyways, nothing else is really new. Elder Veenendaal goes home in a week and a half, and then it will be a 2-man city. The mission got 2 baptisms this last week and there are about 20 baptismal dates mission-wide. We found out when we'll have the Christmas zone party deal. Both Bucharest zones will meet on Dec. 23rd in Buc. Thanks mom for the Xmas package. Maye I'll get it there, at the party.  Thanks for the fun pictures. I wish I coulda been there at the airport to see Tyler. I guess he's already bored out of his mind? Haha. I wonder who that missionary was that Sister McClaine saw in Paris. Maybe it was Elder Gauthier? But he just left a few days ago. I can't seem to think who it'd be. I hope both the Matthew Elders are doing well and loving their missions. I'm still excited to see Miles soon...Oh yeah, I heard that there might be a problem with Wells Fargo cards working here. Elder Abbott had a problem with his and said the bank shut off all their cards in Romania or Europe or something. Dad, maybe you know anything about it? I haven't tried using my Wells Fargo card in a while, so I'm not quite sure if it will work or not. Anyways. I'm about done I guess. Hope you all have a good week. Soon, we can start singing the 12 days of Christmas. Ok, toodles for now!

Love, Elder Lee

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