Romania, Bucharest Mission: Sept. 2010 - Sept. 2012

Monday, April 11, 2011

Still Working Hard in Deva!

Hey everybody! How are we all? I'm doing great. Deva and the missionary work here are excellent. Elder Newton and I are doing very well. We had 20 lessons last week and got 10 investigators to church (for both companionships). I am enjoying each day and we are busy each day. We have a baptismal date for the 23rd of April with a girl named Larisa. She's 13 and is really nice and sincere. We just need to keep her testimony strong and hopefully, she will be baptized, as well as her mom and dad and grandma maybe! Elder Fonnesbeck and Laherty are doing a good job too. This transfer is going fast. I am enjoying it all.

  The past week, we were busy with work each day. On Thursday, I had an exchange with Elder Fonnesbeck. It was a way fun day. We got 6 lessons and enjoyed being together again just like MTC times. He is doing well as a senior companion. On Friday, we had interviews with President Lundberg and his AP's, Elder Mathis and Elder Bennett. It was good to see them and talk to them. On Sunday, we had branch conference. Arad District President Ursu and his counselor Pres. Geambasu came to reside and talked. We had about 29 people there in total! Lots of members, 10 investigators, and the Arad senior couple came because they did apartment inspections the night before (they are The Howell's and are from England somewhere, sorry I forgot Dad. They are really nice. They came about the same time I did into the country). It was a very nice meeting and I hope lots of our investigators could feel the Spirit there. Also, during the conference, President Ursu did the sustaining vote stuff with everyone's callings. Apparently, I am now the branch secretary! I guess it's a calling, but I didn't need to be set apart for it. It really means nothing though, because all it entails is helping Elder Newton with tithing and finance stuff. Cool I guess. I heard that Elder Tyler Lee is now a district leader. Congrats to him! He'll like it. I wonder when I'll be a district leader...

   Our zone did not end up going to Lipova...yet. We didn't all reach our goals last week, so we didn't go today. We are already improving with our goals this week and hopefully we can go next week. Deva is probably the city that is doing the best in this zone. It would be cool to go see a sweet castle as a whole zone, so I hope we all do well this week. I think the whole mission only got 1 baptism last week in Sibiu or something. I forgot the total number now. Deva should be seeing at least 1 or 2 or 3 this transfer, but maybe next transfer. We have been so busy and now I hope we can see the fruits of our labor! If we don't see any baptisms, it's fine I guess. The best we can do is our best, right? We will work carefully with those that are getting very close to baptism and help both Roxana's which are already ready for baptism. One Roxana is fearful, and one Roxana can't come to church every week because she lives in a city a little bit away from Deva. We'll keep working hard. After this transfer, I would like to stay in Deva. It's a nice, small city that is getting greener and greener and blossoms are starting to grow on the trees. 

   It's almost Easter. It's also kinda almost Mother's Day. Mom and dad, I will be awaiting that package. (Oh, if you can find them, would you be able to send me also my one white shirt and black slacks that I wore just recently before my mission? I miss those and feel like wearing them in the coming months.) I do not know for sure when we can skype or call on Mother's day. It could be a day after or before since it's on a Sunday. We will find out for sure a little later. I hope you enjoyed Tom and Kim's stay mom and dad. How was church with them? Did Jansen and his friend go bike it up all over Redlands? Did you go out anywhere to eat? I hope it was fun and that they are having fun at Disneyland. Thanks for more pics of Kenadee! She's pretty goofy. And bigger. It is sad to hear that Elder Perry won't come to stake conference. Why not? At least be sure to tell me who the new stake president will be. When does Bishop Strong get released? I forgot how long he's been bishop. I hope Chris and Liz find out what they want to be doing pretty soon. Is Chris ever going to find a new job, or just keep teaching at UVU and Westminster? Keep me posted on family and church and work mom and dad.

   Well, I can't think of anything else to say. We had a pretty standard week and I think I mentioned everything important. Just know that I am doing well with the language, Elder Newton and I are being super diligent and effective, and the work in Deva is going quite well. I am happy and am happy that y'all are happy. Jamie's birthday is soon, so Happy Birthday in advance Jamers! Ok, well I think I'm done for today. We'll talk next week. Mondays come and go so fast. Va iubesc! La revedere. Love, Elder Lee.

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